Pick the perfect plan

Try Caido for free. No credit card required.

Save 16%


Essential tools for the aspiring hacker




  • Up to 2 projects
  • Up to 5 workflows
  • Up to 3 plugins
  • Up to 5 filter presets
  • HTTPQL filtering
  • Core HTTP tools


Professional suite for security practitioners


$200 billed annually


  • Unlimited projects
  • Unlimited workflows
  • Unlimited plugins
  • Unlimited filter presets
  • Unlimited installations
  • AI Assistant
  • Nightly builds


Centralized pentest team management


$300 billed annually


  • Centralized billing
  • User management
  • Priority support
  • (Coming soon) Shared instances


Tailored suite for large security teams




  • Unlimited users
  • Custom invoicing
  • Custom integrations
  • Enterprise support with SLA

Choisissez le cadeau idéal

Offrez un cadeau facile à utiliser à un individu ou à votre communauté.

1 Mois

Un excellent moyen pour aider quelqu'un à commencer.


3 Mois

Le juste équilibre de valeur et de durée.


6 Mois

Un cadeau pensé pour un demi-an d'accès.


1 An

Le cadeau ultime pour n'importe qui.



What are your payment methods?

We accept all the major credit cards and paypal (with a credit card backing it). If you need one-time invoices, please reach out.

Can I get a refund?

Our monthly subscription offers refunds within 7 days, and our yearly subscription offers refunds within 30 days.

On how many devices can I install Caido?

Caido can be installed on an unlimited number of devices. You are welcome to install Caido on as many devices as you like.

Is Caido open source?

Caido is not currently open source, but we have plans to offer an API for open source plugin development. We also employ standard open formats whenever possible.

Do you have a student plan?

Caido offers a free 1 year pro plan to students with proof of enrolment.

What data do you collect?

When you register for Caido, we collect your name and email address, as well as information about your user agent.

When you use Caido, we collect interaction data between your instances and our cloud services. This includes the IP address of the instance and API call actions/timestamps. We do not collect any data stored on your instances nor interactions within the caido application.

You can find more information about our cloud services in our documentation.

Where can I ask for support and/or feature requests?

You can ask for support and submit feature requests through our public Discord or Github repository. Both are great places to share feedback and help improve Caido.


Commencez avec Caido dès aujourd'hui

Joignez-vous aux rangs des professionnels qui se tournent vers Caido pour leurs besoins en matière de tests de sécurité.

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